I am entirely at a loss words when i think of reviewing upbux.What can i say about this magnificent site?What has to be said has already been said.But i have seen something in this site which no one else knows.This site provides immense opportunities for both members as well as advertisers.With a separate section for games,this site is surely becoming one of the best sites ever.I just researched about upbux and found that the net value of the site has nearly doubled since the launch of the site.Otherwise similar to other ptc sites,the only thing unique is that upbux allows members to play games,for which the member can get paid.You just place a bet and if your assumption comes true,then the amount of money you earned will be added to your main balance.Upbux also has a unique script which i am sure no hacking guru can see through.I am also certain that if this site continues running for another few months,then this site would have achieved in a matter of few months,what neobux achieved in 3 years. Here are the key features of upbux:
Minimum payout=$2
Number of ads each day=4 for standard and around 8-10 for upgraded.
Value per click:$0.01 for both standard and upgraded.
Value per referral click:$0.005 for standard and $0.01 for upgraded.
Payout type:Instant
Accepted payment processors:Alertpay and Paypal.
click on the banner below if you too want to join Upbux and rake in the bucks.
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